Hours and Location coming soon.

We are launching our Kickstarter soon!

Click on this button right here once the Campaign goes live!

The process of opening a brewery in Florida is not for the faint of heart. Before we can start commercial production of our beer we need to be licensed with the State and Federal governments. This process will require us to secure our brewery location with a lease and set up our entire brewing system before we can even apply for these licenses.

Then, we wait. And we wait some more. The licensing approval process can take at least 6 months. Throughout this waiting period, we will still be paying rent for a brewery that we are not allowed to use until the licensing is approved.  

Our goal is to raise a minimum of $800,000 in just 5 weeks. So of course, we can’t do this without you!

The way Kickstarter works is all or nothing. That means in order for us to receive the money we raise, we MUST meet our goal. If we do not meet our goal by DATE-TBD then we don’t get any money and you don’t get any beer. And that would be devastating, we know you want the beer!

The money raised from this Kickstarter project will get us the startup capital needed to get up and brewing. It will help us pay for things such as the above-mentioned lease, build out, brewery equipment, kegs, and ingredients for our first batches of beer.  

As soon as our project is funded, we will secure our brewery location, set up our brewhouse, submit our license application and then wait for approval before we start commercial production. We plan to have our beer on the streets within a year (or less) of this kickstarter.